Thursday, April 28, 2011

May activities

May is just around the corner.... I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. We have many activities coming up. Please check the special schedule sheet I sent home earlier last week. We will be going to the zoo on Monday. (May 2) Please dress your child appropriately. Rain or shine we will go. (Pray for Shine) We also have our Mothers Day Tea coming up.(May 9th) It is truly a special day for both the mothers and the children. VIP and graduation are how we will round out our month. We have been practicing extra hard for both events. We counted in class today how many days are left in kindergarten and we came up with 19..... It can't be... I have had such a wonderful year with your children and I am really sorry to see it end. When I told them that they have 19 days left of kindergarten then they get a summer break and then they will go to first grade they were just amazed. (some a bit excited and some a bit scared) It has been amazing how they have grown. I told them that we were going to have a visit from our preschoolers tomorrow (in the a.m. class) and I explained that as young as the preschoolers are, that is how young they were when they started kindergarten and look at them now......
One last note.. I uploaded many pictures to the Walgreen's sight. They are pictures I took throughout the year. As I take more will upload them as well.

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