Thursday, September 27, 2012

Next week

Don't forget next week we have a short week.  We do not have school on Thursday 10/4 or Friday  10/5 or the following Monday 10/8th.  Enjoy your long weekend. We will not have a star of the week due to the short week, but we will have one for the week of 10/8.  Also please make sure you look over the permission slip for the pumpkin farm and return it to school as soon as possible.  Thanks, have a blessed week! 
We have been working on letter recognition and letter sound recognition as well as working on identifying our numbers 1- 25.  We have also been working on place value.  They are getting really good at identifying the ones place and the tens place in numbers. The beginning of the year is always such a busy time with so many things being introduced to them, but they really seem to be enjoying the activities and especially love the smartboard. (as do I)  They have been working hard and I am so proud of their progress that they have made.  Keep supporting them at home!

Apple graphing

Morning graphing according to size

Jessica's cute little apple

We have been busy in kindergarten learning about John Chapman aka Johnny Appleseed.  We have read so many great stories about him.  Last week we brought in apples and we graphed them on our floor graph. We learned there were many different ways to graph our apples.  First we graphed them by color, then we graphed them by size and finally we graphed them by whether they had a stem or not.  It was so much fun to see  how many red apples we had in comparison o how many green apples or mixed color apples.  Also we had so many different sizes of apples.  I think our favorite apple in the A.M. Class was Jessica's, it was so tiny.   Over all we had a great time using our floor graph and learning all the different ways to make and read a graph.

The afternoon class graphing whether their apples had a stem or not.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Kindergarten news

Well we are 16 days into kindergarten and they have been working so hard.  We have been busy working on our letters, numbers and popcorn words. They are doing such a great job with their writting! I have seen such great improvement already.  We have also been working on our smart-board, their favorite (mine too)!  We work on our letters and poems using the smart board and we also watched the letter factory by Leap Frog!  If your student struggles with identifying letter sounds it is a great DVD for support!  Also is an awesome website for reading and math activities.    
This week we were not able to check out books from the LRC because our check out system was down.  The kids went to the computer lab instead! What a great treat!
Next week is our first science day, we will be exploring physical change and chemical reaction!  It's always fun!  I really appreciate the parent volunteers giving of their time to come and help us with our experiments.  
Next week we are going to be learning about Johnny Appleseed, don't forget to send in an apple, we will be graphing them.  It is so much fun! 
In religion we are talking about showing love to others  and the many ways we can show we care! I have asked the children to try to remember to pray daily to God not only to thank him for all the wonderful gifts he gives us daily, but also when they are feeling sad or angry!  God is always there and is always listening . 
Well I will try to update weekly, please check back for updates and eventually pictures. If you do not want your child's picture to appear on our blog please let me know !