Sunday, May 5, 2013

May happenings

Wow can you believe the end of the year is approaching.  Where has the time gone?  It's amazing how much they have grown.  This time of the year is always the hardest for me because in just a few short weeks they will be first graders and moving on.  I have really enjoyed all their stories and learning about their likes and dislikes.

As we come to the end of the year please make sure to watch the schedule I sent home.  The zoo trip and the VIP show will change our schedule a bit.  (Don't forget a lunch and a drink- see schedule)  Also  for the zoo and field days the children are out of uniform.    The day of Graduation will be a regular day, but he children will need to be back to school out of uniform by 6:00 in my classroom.  It's going to be a great evening. Bring your tissues.

This Wednesday the morning class and morning K-club will be attending Mass. (May Crowning) 
We will start presenting our zoo reports on Thursday. This project is always fun for the students.  If you are looking for an online resource you can go to .  Please see my kindergarten buzz for the passwords and login information.

If anyone is interested in tutoring  for the summer please let me know.

Have a great week.