Monday, February 28, 2011

February Activities

Wow, I can't believe this is the end of February
We celebrated so much this month: our 100th day, Valentines Day, Presidents Day and Science day. I apologize for not updating our blog, it has been a crazy month, but now that things are back to normal I promise I will update each week.
Our 100th day celebration was so much fun. We celebrated by doing several 100 day activities and eating cupcakes. My favorite activity was to lick a lolly pop 100 times. I think they enjoyed it too! Didn't they look cute in their crowns and glasses. We looked forward to this day all year. We finally had 100 straws in our bundle pack, and we put a $1.00 bill in our piggy bank. How exciting.
We celebrated Valentines day with a party, I am sorry I had to miss it, but I heard the kids had a great time. I would love to see pictures if anyone has any. Thank you for the special valentines Mrs. Lessentien and I received from you.
We also celebrated Presidents Day by learning about George Washington and Abe Lincoln. We learned so many great facts, created a class book about them and made some really cute Presidents that are hanging in our hall.
Finally, our science day this month was exploring our 5 senses. I love this science day, we learned about out taste buds, we had fun feeling the objects in the socks, and we got to taste many different things. The lemon tasting was priceless. Thank you parents for all your help with our science days. I couldn't do it without any of you!

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