Today we had some Egg-cellent egg-speriments!!! Thank you parents for your participation, the kids really enjoy science day. I love it because with your help everyone can be hands on. It can be hectic, messy (and loud) and you all are so patient with the children. As we have found, sometimes our egg-speriments work and sometimes they don't. That's the beauty of science. But in the end we always have fun!
On a side note, At conferences someone asked me for another copy of the letter formation sheet. I wrote down that I needed to make a copy, but forgot to write down who needed it. Please send me a note if you need one. I apologize for the delay.
Thanksgiving is coming and we have started talking about the Pilgrims and Indians and their first feast. We will begin their Thanksgiving book Wednesday. It is one of my favorite activities. We have also been discussing what we are thankful for, we have so many thoughtful students in our class. You should be very proud of them. They are wise beyond their years!
Have a great evening!
Great posts!