Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our kindergarten service project and more!

A.M. Class helping with the sorting

This past Friday we delivered our donations to the Good Samaritan NICU. The nurses were very excited to receive our donations.  I can't thank you all enough for your generosity. We really collected a ton of baby t-shirts, blankets and beanie hats that will be put to good use.  We didn't get to see any of the babies because only parents are allowed in, but some of the nurses came out and spoke to us about how our donations are helping the babies.  I wish we could have had all the students there, but space didn't allow. I do thank those parents who took time out of their busy schedules to bring their children there.

P.M Class after we put our donations in the bucket

The nurses of the NICU

Looking forward, I sent home a note outlining what our May will look like.  Please check that schedule often. We are going to be busy.  Keep your fingers crossed for good weather for our field trip to the zoo and our field days.  Over the next few remaining weeks we will continue working on our independent writing, which is truly impressive and we will be using our smartboard for many end of the year activities as we wind down.  We will continue to take our timed math tests until May 18th.  The week following that  we will be busy with our field days and our VIP program so we will not take a timed test that week and the following week we only have 2 days of school.. Can you believe it.  A note about about Graduation will come home shorty.  Our ceremony is held in the evening and all are welcome, (grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts uncles etc.) I must admit this year has flown by so fast.

As usual thank you for checking our kindergarten blog!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

St. Patricks Day, oviparous and our Service project.

I feel like such a slacker, I have not updated my blog in weeks. Between being sick and all the other things I let take over my life I have failed to keep up with the blog. I truly apologize. Over the past few weeks we have been exploring many new things. We learned what oviparous means. We created a cute riddle bulletin board about oviparous animals. Please stop by and read the riddles. The students have been writing in their journals. Their independent writing is coming along so nice. We also planted some marigold flowers and we are watching them grow. We had our first sprouts today! We have been studying plants and what they need to grow. We have also been talking about the parts of a plant and their importance to the plant. We also covered the different seasons and how a tree or plant looks during the different seasons.

Last week we started our Social and Emotional Service Project. We had a nurse come in from the Good Sam NICU. She talked to the students about what goes in unit and how their donations are used. I can't believe how responsive the students were. They really made some personal connections to the information that was presented to them.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our service project, if you haven't had a chance yet remember I do need all donations by Monday. We will be sorting and getting our donation ready for delivery. I really appreciate all your help with this project. Our goal is to have them make a connection to the community and how the little things we can do make a huge difference to others who are less fortunate then ourselves.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Science day- physical and chemical change

I hope you all enjoyed your spring break! I am finally getting some of our pictures posted. For our last science day we made Ice cream, we watched milk, vanilla, sugar, salt and ice turn into a tasty treat! Each year we try to improve on the recipe and I must say this year was the best. We also blew up balloons, volcano's and watch M's float off our M & M's . It was very exciting to see what happens when you add baking soda to vinegar. So many ways to have fun with house hold items. I think the kids favorite was when the balloons blew up after the baking soda mixed with he vinegar. I really appreciate all the help you parents offered up for our science days. We couldn't do it without you . Plus the kids love to have you in the class.

Other information:

I am going to be sending home information on our field trip to the zoo, field days, VIP and Graduation. Also next week a note will come home about our social and emotional service project we are participating in. Thanks for stopping by. I will be posting pictures from St. Patrick's day soon.